Sekilas mengenai cristina suzanne
Nama: Cristina Suzanne Stockstill
Panggilan: Cristina
Tarikh Lahir: 22 Januari 1985
Usia: 26 tahun
Keturunan: Melayu/Jerman
Agama: Islam
Drama: Kasih Najihah (TV9), Dia Bukan Maryam (TV9), Cermin Pada Bulan (TV3), Bicara Hati (akan datang)
Filem Bebas: Kil (2011) dan My Indie Rock Darling (2006)
Tinggi : 168 cm
Tempat kelahiran : Johor
Kerjaya dulu: bekas Peramugari (2003 -2009)
Sekilas Mengenai Filem KIL The Movie
Akil (KIL) is a depressed young man who has suicidal tendencies. But, he could never bring himself to commit suicide. His attempts to die always fail miserably until he finds the perfect solution: A quirky assassination agency that helps kill suicidal people. KIL agrees with the terms of the company. The assassination will be anonymous. He wouldn't know the details about who the assassin is, even when or where he will die. This was ideal for KIL, until he falls for a girl he meets, Zara. Suddenly, he starts to have second thoughts on taking his life.